Types of ULIP Plan in India

A unique plan known as a ULIP (Unit-Linked Insurance Plan) offers the advantages of both an investment and an insurance plan. These might be the best choice for you if you want insurance coverage while investing in a variety of assets including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Additionally, you have the advantage of tax savings with a chance for respectable profits.

Unit Linked Insurance Plan

Types of ULIP Plan

The following criteria can be used to classify ULIPs into several types:

1.They Invest in a Variety of Securities

Here are the different types of ULIPs based on the risk profile:

Equity funds – These ULIPs make use of the premium paid for investments in equities and products with an equity component. The volatility of the market has an effect on how well these schemes’ function. As a result, these ULIPs are appropriate for investors who have a high tolerance for risk. These mostly invest in stocks with the intention of increasing their value.

Debt funds – Debt funds primarily invest in debt instruments such as government securities, corporate bonds, and debentures.

Hybrid or balanced funds – In order to provide returns for investors, hybrid or balanced funds invest in a mix of equities and fixed-income products. Compared to ULIPs, which invest largely in equities, such investments have a reduced risk profile.

Cash funds – These ULIPs distribute the premiums received among money market securities, term deposits, and cash deposits. As a result, these plans have the lowest risk levels among the various ULIP categories.

2. Considering Purpose

ULIPs for wealth creation – Such strategies are advised for new investors as they allow you to build money over time.

ULIPs for children’s future – These ULIPs are designed to give your kids financial help at certain points throughout their life.

ULIPs for retirement – While working, you can make investments in this ULIP plan to progressively increase your retirement corpus.

3. Considering Death Benefits

Type I ULIPs – In accordance with these arrangements, the nominee will receive a death benefit equal to the greater of the sum promised or fund value.

Type II ULIPs – In these policies, upon the death of the policyholder, the nominee will receive both the sum insured and the fund value as a death benefit.

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